適用范圍 Application
Can be used in Zone 1 and Zone 2 dangerous places.
Can be used in IIA、IIB、group explosive atmosphere.
Notice:Please note if need IIC grade needed.
型號含義 Model implication
總單元含義 Model implication
產品特點 Features
■ 防爆控制箱一般為復合型結構,外殼采用增 ■The control box is flame-proof structure of formed up of shell and flame-proof or
安型結構,內裝元件采用隔爆型元件或增安 safety-increased components,the shell is of safety-increased structure which
型的元件,或一個隔爆型主腔內裝各種元件; adopts diecasted AiI-alloy with plastic-sprayed surface.Inside is installed
或兩種結構結合成一體;外殼采用采用高強 flame-proof control switch,control button,explosion-proof signal lamp and
度鑄鋁合金制成,外表面靜電噴塑,內裝的元 instrument for overload,The inward components cnbe freely aranged to perform
件有按鈕,控制開關,儀表,繼電器或各種功 multi functions.Control switches have several specifications to select,signal
能模塊,其中按鈕控制開關,電流表和電壓 lamps are classified as Red ,Green Y